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What is CSS text emphasis?

A string containing one character that will be used as the CSS emphasis symbol You can define the CSS text emphasis color using a name, RGB, RGBA, HEX, HSL or HSLA value. If you don't specify the color, CSS text emphasis will use the color of the text. Tip: to get the value for the exact color tone you need, use the Pickeristic color picker.

What is CSS text-emphasis?

By using the CSS text-emphasis property, you can draw attention to textual elements (letters, numbers, but not spaces or control characters): The text emphasis symbols are about a half the font size. It can also affect line height. CSS text-emphasis is actually a shorthand for two subproperties:

What is internal CSS?

Internal CSS is used to apply a unique style to an entire HTML document, or section of an HTML document. Internal CSS is added within the element, which is located in the section of an HTML document. The element can contain any CSS property, such as color, font-family, etc.

How does text emphasis work?

It does it by applying special marks to an element’s text. You might think of text emphasis as italic or bold, but that’s not this! With the special markings of text-emphasis, you can draw attention toward textual elements, such as letters and numbers (but not spaces or control characters). This is commonly used in East Asian languages.

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